Henderson County Republican Women’s Club
Our Next Luncheon is Tuesday, September 24th
at Noon with Guest Speaker:
Jeff Miller:
HonorAir and Blue Ridge Honor Flight Founder
LOCATION: Kenmure Country Club, Flat Rock, NC
ATTIRE: Country Club Attire - No Jeans or Shorts
COST: $25 per person
(Cash or check payable to HCRWC at the door)
Doors open at 11:30am
(Golf Cart Shuttle provided from lower parking lot)
RSVP* or Cancel by
Wednesday, Sept. 18th
to 443-994-9540 (call or text) or (email)
*If you cancel after Noon on Sept. 18th, you are responsible for the
cost of your meal due to venue requirements.
Any RSVP after Noon on August 21st will be added to a waiting list and you will be contacted if anyone exceptions.

~Include dietary requests in your RSVP~
You don't want to miss this one!! Bring a friend AND men are always welcome and attend regularly!
Future 2024 Meetings
Luncheon Meetings are at Kenmure Country Club from Noon-1:30pm
Thursday, October 24th Special Fundraiser Luncheon,
November 19th (one week early),
December 17th (one week early)
Our NEW Mailing Address:
HCRWC, P.O. Box 6161, Hendersonville, NC 28793